Whoqol-bref yaşam kalitesi ölçeği pdf

Bu amacla whoqolbrefin genel yasam kalitesi, genel sagl. Whoqol100, whoqol bref yasam kalitesi, psikometrik ozellikler. Pdf psychometric properties of the whoqol100 and whoqol. Tutum olcegi aydemir 2010, 16 soru ve dort boyuttan toplum kat. Eser and others published yasam kalitesinin olculmesi, whoqol100 ve whoqol bref find, read and cite all the research you need on researchgate.

Yasam kalitesi, gostergeler, yasam kalitesi gostergeleri. The aim of this study is to research the quality of life of families having disabled children and to determine the factors that affect quality of their lives. Bu 4 alan bedensel 7 madde, ruhsal 6 madde, sosyal 3 madde, cevre 8 madde alanlar. Ozel hastanelerde yasam kalitesi radyoloji yoneticileri ornegi. Older adults, cultural adaptation, reliability and validity. In the study, demographic information form, which was prepared by the researchers, was used. Yagam kalgtesgngn saglik denetgm odagi, fgzgksel belgrtg ve. Ozel hastanelerde yasam kalitesi radyoloji yoneticileri ornegi ozet yasam kalitesi, yasamdan duyulan hosnutluk ve mutluluk olarak tan. Yasam kalitesine etki eden faktorlerin degerlendirilmesi whoqol bref olcegi ile belirlenen yasam kalitesine etki edecegi dusunulen degiskenler uygun analiz yontemleri kullan. Hemodiyaliz uygulanan hastalarda psikiyatrik komorbidite, cinsel islev. Pdf yasam kalitesinin olculmesi, whoqol100 ve whoqolbref. Hastalar sosyodemografik ve klinik gorusme formuyla, bak.

A total of 311 parents with disabled children who attend special educationrehabilitation programs in edirne were included in this study. Pdf psychometric properties of the whoqol100 and whoqolbref. Abstract quality of life, today is one of the most important univ ersal goals for soc ieties. Efficiency of physical exercise programs on chronic. Universite ogrencilerinin yasam kalitesi ve mutluluk.

Verilerin analizinde betimsel istatistiksel tekniklerden. Sosyal islevsellik olcegi sfs ile, yasam kalitesi ise dunya sagl. Whoqol bref in psikomctrik ozellikleri yeterli bulunmustur. In the study, demographic information form, which was prepared by the researchers, was used to. Psychometric properties of the whoqol100 and whoqol bref. Veriler soru formu, maslach tukenmislik olcegi mto, beck depresyon envanteri bde ve dunya sagl. Hemodiyaliz uygulanan hastalarda psikiyatrik komorbidite. Quality of life and effective variables among health care professionals. Diabetik hastalarda gelisen komplikasyonlar hastalar.

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